Source code for graphinglib.multifigure

from shutil import which
from string import ascii_lowercase
from typing import Literal, Optional

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParamsDefault
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerPatch
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.transforms import ScaledTranslation

from graphinglib.file_manager import FileLoader, get_default_style
from graphinglib.graph_elements import GraphingException, Plottable
from graphinglib.legend_artists import (

from .figure import Figure

    from typing import Self
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Self

[docs] class MultiFigure: """ This class implements the "canvas" on which multiple plots are displayed. The canvas consists of a grid of a specified size on which the :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` objects are displayed. Parameters ---------- num_rows, num_cols : int Number of rows and columns for the grid. These parameters determine the the number of "squares" on which a plot can be placed. .. note:: Note that a single plot can span multiple squares. See :py:meth:`~graphinglib.multifigure.MultiFigure.add_SubFigure`. size : tuple[float, float] Overall size of the multifigure. Default depends on the ``figure_style`` configuration. title : str, optional General title of the figure. reference_labels : bool Whether or not to add reference labels to the SubFigures. Defaults to ``True``. .. note:: The reference labels are in the form of "a)", "b)", etc. and are used to refer to a particular SubFigure in a caption accompanying the MultiFigure. reflabel_loc : str Location of the reference labels of the SubFigures. Either "inside" or "outside". Defaults to "outside". figure_style : str The figure style to use for the figure. Default can be set using ``gl.set_default_style()``. """
[docs] def __init__( self, num_rows: int, num_cols: int, size: tuple[float, float] | Literal["default"] = "default", title: Optional[str] = None, reference_labels: bool = True, reflabel_loc: str = "outside", figure_style: str = "default", ) -> None: """ This class implements the "canvas" on which multiple plots are displayed. The canvas consists of a grid of a specified size on which the individual :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` objects are displayed. Parameters ---------- num_rows, num_cols : int Number of rows and columns for the grid. These parameters determine the the number of "squares" on which a plot can be placed. .. note:: Note that a single plot can span multiple squares. See :py:meth:`~graphinglib.multifigure.MultiFigure.add_SubFigure`. size : tuple[float, float] Overall size of the figure. Default depends on the ``figure_style`` configuration. title : str, optional General title of the figure. reference_labels : bool Whether or not to add reference labels to the SubFigures. Defaults to ``True``. .. note:: The reference labels are in the form of "a)", "b)", etc. and are used to refer to a particular SubFigure in a caption accompanying the MultiFigure. reflabel_loc : str Location of the reference labels of the SubFigures. Either "inside" or "outside". Defaults to "outside". figure_style : str The figure style to use for the figure. Default can be set using ``gl.set_default_style()``. """ if type(num_rows) != int or type(num_cols) != int: raise TypeError("The number of rows and columns must be integers.") if num_rows < 1 or num_cols < 1: raise ValueError("The number of rows and columns must be greater than 0.") self._num_rows = num_rows self._num_cols = num_cols self._title = title self._reference_labels = reference_labels self._reflabel_loc = reflabel_loc self._figure_style = figure_style self._size = size self._sub_figures = [] self._rc_dict = {} self._user_rc_dict = {}
@property def num_rows(self) -> int: return self._num_rows @property def num_cols(self) -> int: return self._num_cols @property def title(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._title @title.setter def title(self, title: Optional[str]) -> None: self._title = title @property def reference_labels(self) -> bool: return self._reference_labels @reference_labels.setter def reference_labels(self, reference_labels: bool) -> None: self._reference_labels = reference_labels @property def reflabel_loc(self) -> str: return self._reflabel_loc @reflabel_loc.setter def reflabel_loc(self, reflabel_loc: str) -> None: self._reflabel_loc = reflabel_loc @property def figure_style(self) -> str: return self._figure_style @figure_style.setter def figure_style(self, figure_style: str) -> None: self._figure_style = figure_style @property def size(self) -> tuple[float, float] | Literal["default"]: return self._size @size.setter def size(self, size: tuple[float, float] | Literal["default"]) -> None: self._size = size
[docs] @classmethod def from_row( cls, figures: list[Figure], size: tuple[float, float] | Literal["default"] = "default", title: Optional[str] = None, reference_labels: bool = True, reflabel_loc: str = "outside", figure_style: str = "default", ) -> Self: """Creates a MultiFigure with the specified :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` objects in a horizontal configuration. Parameters ---------- figures : list[Figure] The :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` objects to add to the MultiFigure, from left to right. size : tuple[float, float] Overall size of the figure. Default depends on the ``figure_style`` configuration. title : str, optional Title of the MultiFigure. Defaults to ``None``. reference_labels : bool Whether or not to add reference labels to the SubFigures. Defaults to ``True``. reflabel_loc : str Location of the reference labels of the SubFigures. Either "inside" or "outside". Defaults to "outside". figure_style : str The figure style to use for the figure. Default can be set using ``gl.set_default_style()``. Returns ------- A new MultiFigure object. """ multi_fig = cls( num_rows=1, num_cols=len(figures), size=size, title=title, reference_labels=reference_labels, reflabel_loc=reflabel_loc, figure_style=figure_style, ) for i, figure in enumerate(figures): multi_fig.add_figure(figure, 0, i, 1, 1) return multi_fig
[docs] @classmethod def from_stack( cls, figures: list[Figure], size: tuple[float, float] | Literal["default"] = "default", title: Optional[str] = None, reference_labels: bool = True, reflabel_loc: str = "outside", figure_style: str = "default", ) -> Self: """Creates a MultiFigure with the specified :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` objects in a vertical configuration. Parameters ---------- figures : list[Figure] The :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` objects to add to the MultiFigure, from top to bottom. size : tuple[float, float] Overall size of the figure. Default depends on the ``figure_style`` configuration. title : str, optional Title of the MultiFigure. Defaults to ``None``. reference_labels : bool Whether or not to add reference labels to the SubFigures. Defaults to ``True``. reflabel_loc : str Location of the reference labels of the SubFigures. Either "inside" or "outside". Defaults to "outside". figure_style : str The figure style to use for the figure. Default can be set using ``gl.set_default_style()``. Returns ------- A new MultiFigure object. """ multi_fig = cls( num_rows=len(figures), num_cols=1, size=size, title=title, reference_labels=reference_labels, reflabel_loc=reflabel_loc, figure_style=figure_style, ) for i, figure in enumerate(figures): multi_fig.add_figure(figure, i, 0, 1, 1) return multi_fig
[docs] @classmethod def from_grid( cls, figures: list[Figure], dimensions: tuple[int, int], size: tuple[float, float] | Literal["default"] = "default", title: Optional[str] = None, reference_labels: bool = True, reflabel_loc: str = "outside", figure_style: str = "default", ) -> Self: """Creates a MultiFigure with the specified :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` objects in a grid configuration. Parameters ---------- figures : list[Figure] The :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` objects to add to the MultiFigure, from top-left to bottom-right. dimensions : tuple[int, int] The number of rows and columns of the grid (product should equal the number of figures). size : tuple[float, float] Overall size of the figure. Default depends on the ``figure_style`` configuration. title : str, optional Title of the MultiFigure. Defaults to ``None``. reference_labels : bool Whether or not to add reference labels to the SubFigures. Defaults to ``True``. reflabel_loc : str Location of the reference labels of the SubFigures. Either "inside" or "outside". Defaults to "outside". figure_style : str The figure style to use for the figure. Default can be set using ``gl.set_default_style()``. Returns ------- A new MultiFigure object. """ num_rows, num_cols = dimensions if num_rows * num_cols < len(figures): raise ValueError( f"The product of the dimensions ({num_rows} x {num_cols}) must be greater than or equal to the number of figures ({len(figures)})." ) multi_fig = cls( num_rows=num_rows, num_cols=num_cols, size=size, title=title, reference_labels=reference_labels, reflabel_loc=reflabel_loc, figure_style=figure_style, ) for i, figure in enumerate(figures): row = i // num_cols col = i % num_cols multi_fig.add_figure(figure, row, col, 1, 1) return multi_fig
[docs] def add_figure( self, figure: Figure, row_start: int, col_start: int, row_span: int, col_span: int, ) -> None: """ Adds a :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` to a :class:`~graphinglib.multifigure.MultiFigure`. Parameters ---------- figure : Figure The :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` to add to the MultiFigure. row_start : int The row where to set the upper-left corner of the SubFigure. col_start : int The column where to set the upper-left corner of the SubFigure. row_span : int The number of rows spanned by the SubFigure. col_span : int The number of columns spanned by the SubFigure. """ if type(row_start) != int or type(col_start) != int: raise TypeError("The placement values must be integers.") if row_start < 0 or col_start < 0: raise ValueError("The placement values cannot be negative.") if type(row_span) != int or type(col_span) != int: raise TypeError("The span values must be integers.") if row_span < 1 or col_span < 1: raise ValueError("The span values must be greater than 0.") if ( row_start + row_span > self._num_rows or col_start + col_span > self._num_cols ): raise ValueError( "The placement values and span values must be inside the size of the MultiFigure." ) # Add location and span to the SubFigure (create new attributes) figure._row_start = row_start figure._col_start = col_start figure._row_span = row_span figure._col_span = col_span self._sub_figures.append(figure)
[docs] def show( self, general_legend: bool = False, legend_loc: str = "outside lower center", legend_cols: int = 1, ) -> None: """ Displays the :class:`~graphinglib.multifigure.MultiFigure`. Parameters ---------- general_legend : bool Whether or not to display an overall legend for the :class:`~graphinglib.multifigure.MultiFigure` containing the labels of every :class:`~graphinglib.Figure.Figure` inside it. Note that enabling this option will disable the individual legends for every :class:`~graphinglib.multifigure.SubFigure`. Defaults to ``False``. legend_loc : str The location of the legend in the MultiFigure. Possible placement keywords are: for vertical placement: ``{"upper", "center", "lower"}``, for horizontal placement: ``{"left", "center", "right"}``. The keyword ``"outside"`` can be added to put the legend outside of the axes. Defaults to ``"outside lower center"``. legend_cols : int Number of colums in which to arrange the legend items. Defaults to 1. """ self._prepare_multi_figure( general_legend=general_legend, legend_loc=legend_loc, legend_cols=legend_cols, ) plt.rcParams.update(rcParamsDefault)
[docs] def save( self, file_name: str, general_legend: bool = False, legend_loc: str = "outside lower center", legend_cols: int = 1, dpi: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """ Saves the :class:`~graphinglib.multifigure.MultiFigure` to a file. Parameters ---------- file_name : str File name or path at which to save the figure. general_legend : bool Whether or not to display an overall legend for the :class:`~graphinglib.multifigure.MultiFigure` containing the labels of every :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure` inside it. Note that enabling this option will disable the individual legends for every :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure`. Defaults to ``False``. legend_loc : str The location of the legend in the MultiFigure. Possible placement keywords are: for vertical placement: ``{"upper", "center", "lower"}``, for horizontal placement: ``{"left", "center", "right"}``. The keyword ``"outside"`` can be added to put the legend outside of the axes. Defaults to ``"outside lower center"``. legend_cols : int Number of colums in which to arrange the legend items. Defaults to 1. dpi : int, optional The resolution of the saved MultiFigure. Only used for raster formats (e.g. PNG, JPG, etc.). Default depends on the ``figure_style`` configuration. """ self._prepare_multi_figure( general_legend=general_legend, legend_loc=legend_loc, legend_cols=legend_cols, ) if dpi is not None: plt.savefig(file_name, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches="tight") else: plt.savefig(file_name, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() plt.rcParams.update(rcParamsDefault)
def _prepare_multi_figure( self, general_legend: bool = False, legend_loc: str = "outside lower center", legend_cols: int = 1, ) -> None: """ Prepares the :class:`~graphinglib.multifigure.MultiFigure` to be displayed. """ if self._figure_style == "default": self._figure_style = get_default_style() try: file_loader = FileLoader(self._figure_style) self._default_params = file_loader.load() is_matplotlib_style = False except FileNotFoundError: is_matplotlib_style = True try: if self._figure_style == "matplotlib":"default") else: file_loader = FileLoader("plain") self._default_params = file_loader.load() except OSError: raise GraphingException( f"The figure style {self._figure_style} was not found. Please choose a different style." ) multi_figure_params_to_reset = self._fill_in_missing_params(self) self._fill_in_rc_params(is_matplotlib_style) self._figure = plt.figure(layout="constrained", figsize=self._size) MultiFigure_grid = GridSpec(self._num_rows, self._num_cols, figure=self._figure) if self._reflabel_loc == "outside": trans = ScaledTranslation(-5 / 72, 10 / 72, self._figure.dpi_scale_trans) elif self._reflabel_loc == "inside": trans = ScaledTranslation(10 / 72, -15 / 72, self._figure.dpi_scale_trans) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid reference label location. Please specify either 'inside' or 'outside'." ) sub_figures_do_legend = True if not general_legend else False labels, handles = [], [] for i, sub_figure in enumerate(self._sub_figures): self._fill_in_rc_params(is_matplotlib_style) sub_figure_labels, sub_figure_handles = self._prepare_sub_figure( sub_figure, MultiFigure_grid, transformation=trans, reference_label=ascii_lowercase[i] + ")", legend=sub_figures_do_legend, is_matplotlib_style=is_matplotlib_style, ) labels += sub_figure_labels handles += sub_figure_handles self._fill_in_rc_params(is_matplotlib_style) if general_legend: try: self._figure.legend( handles=handles, labels=labels, handleheight=1.3, handler_map={ Polygon: HandlerPatch(patch_func=histogram_legend_artist), LineCollection: HandlerMultipleLines(), VerticalLineCollection: HandlerMultipleVerticalLines(), }, draggable=True, loc=legend_loc, ncols=legend_cols, ) except: self._figure.legend( handles=handles, labels=labels, handleheight=1.3, handler_map={ Polygon: HandlerPatch(patch_func=histogram_legend_artist), LineCollection: HandlerMultipleLines(), VerticalLineCollection: HandlerMultipleVerticalLines(), }, loc=legend_loc, ncols=legend_cols, ) self._figure.suptitle(self._title) self._reset_params_to_default(self, multi_figure_params_to_reset) self._rc_dict = {} def _prepare_sub_figure( self, sub_figure: Figure, grid: GridSpec, transformation: ScaledTranslation, reference_label: str, legend: bool, is_matplotlib_style: bool, ): """ Prepares a single subfigure. """ sub_rcs = sub_figure._user_rc_dict plt.rcParams.update(sub_rcs) axes = plt.subplot( grid.new_subplotspec( (sub_figure._row_start, sub_figure._col_start), rowspan=sub_figure._row_span, colspan=sub_figure._col_span, ) ) if self._reference_labels: axes.text( 0, 1, reference_label, transform=axes.transAxes + transformation, ) default_params_copy = self._default_params.copy() default_params_copy.update(is_a_subfigure=True) default_params_copy["Figure"]["_figure_style"] = self._figure_style labels, handles = sub_figure._prepare_figure( legend=legend, axes=axes, default_params=default_params_copy, is_matplotlib_style=is_matplotlib_style, ) return labels, handles def _fill_in_missing_params(self, element: Plottable) -> list[str]: """ Fills in the missing parameters from the specified ``figure_style``. """ params_to_reset = [] object_type = type(element).__name__ for property, value in vars(element).items(): if (type(value) == str) and (value == "default"): params_to_reset.append(property) if self._default_params[object_type][property] == "same as curve": element.__dict__["_errorbars_color"] = self._default_params[ object_type ]["_color"] element.__dict__["_errorbars_line_width"] = self._default_params[ object_type ]["_line_width"] element.__dict__["_cap_thickness"] = self._default_params[ object_type ]["_line_width"] elif self._default_params[object_type][property] == "same as scatter": element.__dict__["_errorbars_color"] = self._default_params[ object_type ]["_face_color"] else: element.__dict__[property] = self._default_params[object_type][ property ] return params_to_reset def _reset_params_to_default( self, element: Plottable, params_to_reset: list[str] ) -> None: """ Resets the parameters that were set to default in the _fill_in_missing_params method. """ for param in params_to_reset: setattr(element, param, "default") def _fill_in_rc_params(self, is_matplotlib_style: bool = False) -> None: """ Fills in and sets the missing rc parameters from the specified ``figure_style``. If ``is_matplotlib_style`` is ``True``, the rc parameters are reset to the default values for the specified ``figure_style``. If ``is_matplotlib_style`` is ``False``, the rc parameters are updated with the missing parameters from the specified ``figure_style``. In both cases, the rc parameters are then updated with the user-specified parameters. """ if is_matplotlib_style: if self._figure_style == "matplotlib":"default") else: plt.rcParams.update(self._user_rc_dict) else: params = self._default_params["rc_params"] for property, value in params.items(): # add to rc_dict if not already in there if (property not in self._rc_dict) and ( property not in self._user_rc_dict ): self._rc_dict[property] = value all_rc_params = {**self._rc_dict, **self._user_rc_dict} try: if all_rc_params["text.usetex"] and which("latex") is None: all_rc_params["text.usetex"] = False except KeyError: pass plt.rcParams.update(all_rc_params)
[docs] def set_rc_params( self, rc_params_dict: dict[str, str | float] = {}, reset: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Customize the visual style of the :class:`~graphinglib.multifigure.MultiFigure`. Any rc parameter that is not specified in the dictionary will be set to the default value for the specified ``figure_style``. Parameters ---------- rc_params_dict : dict[str, str | float] Dictionary of rc parameters to update. Defaults to empty dictionary. reset : bool Whether or not to reset the rc parameters to the default values for the specified ``figure_style``. Defaults to ``False``. """ if reset: self._user_rc_dict = {} for property, value in rc_params_dict.items(): self._user_rc_dict[property] = value
[docs] def set_visual_params( self, reset: bool = False, figure_face_color: str | None = None, axes_face_color: str | None = None, axes_edge_color: str | None = None, axes_label_color: str | None = None, axes_line_width: float | None = None, color_cycle: list[str] | None = None, x_tick_color: str | None = None, y_tick_color: str | None = None, legend_face_color: str | None = None, legend_edge_color: str | None = None, font_family: str | None = None, font_size: float | None = None, font_weight: str | None = None, text_color: str | None = None, use_latex: bool | None = None, grid_line_style: str | None = None, grid_line_width: float | None = None, grid_color: str | None = None, grid_alpha: float | None = None, ) -> None: """ Customize the visual style of the :class:`~graphinglib.figure.Figure`. Any parameter that is not specified (None) will be set to the default value for the specified ``figure_style``. Parameters ---------- reset : bool Whether or not to reset the rc parameters to the default values for the specified ``figure_style``. Defaults to ``False``. figure_face_color : str The color of the figure face. Defaults to ``None``. axes_face_color : str The color of the axes face. Defaults to ``None``. axes_edge_color : str The color of the axes edge. Defaults to ``None``. axes_label_color : str The color of the axes labels. Defaults to ``None``. axes_line_width : float The width of the axes lines. Defaults to ``None``. color_cycle : list[str] A list of colors to use for the color cycle. Defaults to ``None``. x_tick_color : str The color of the x-axis ticks. Defaults to ``None``. y_tick_color : str The color of the y-axis ticks. Defaults to ``None``. legend_face_color : str The color of the legend face. Defaults to ``None``. legend_edge_color : str The color of the legend edge. Defaults to ``None``. font_family : str The font family to use. Defaults to ``None``. font_size : float The font size to use. Defaults to ``None``. font_weight : str The font weight to use. Defaults to ``None``. text_color : str The color of the text. Defaults to ``None``. use_latex : bool Whether or not to use latex. Defaults to ``None``. grid_line_style : str The style of the grid lines. Defaults to ``None``. grid_line_width : float The width of the grid lines. Defaults to ``None``. grid_color : str The color of the grid lines. Defaults to ``None``. grid_alpha : float The alpha of the grid lines. Defaults to ``None``. """ if color_cycle is not None: color_cycle = plt.cycler(color=color_cycle) rc_params_dict = { "figure.facecolor": figure_face_color, "axes.facecolor": axes_face_color, "axes.edgecolor": axes_edge_color, "axes.labelcolor": axes_label_color, "axes.linewidth": axes_line_width, "axes.prop_cycle": color_cycle, "xtick.color": x_tick_color, "ytick.color": y_tick_color, "legend.facecolor": legend_face_color, "legend.edgecolor": legend_edge_color, "": font_family, "font.size": font_size, "font.weight": font_weight, "text.color": text_color, "text.usetex": use_latex, "grid.linestyle": grid_line_style, "grid.linewidth": grid_line_width, "grid.color": grid_color, "grid.alpha": grid_alpha, } rc_params_dict = { key: value for key, value in rc_params_dict.items() if value is not None } self.set_rc_params(rc_params_dict, reset=reset)