str, general_legend: bool = False, legend_loc: str = 'outside lower center', legend_cols: int = 1, dpi: int | None = None) None[source]#

Saves the MultiFigure to a file.


File name or path at which to save the figure.


Whether or not to display an overall legend for the MultiFigure containing the labels of every Figure inside it. Note that enabling this option will disable the individual legends for every Figure. Defaults to False.


The location of the legend in the MultiFigure. Possible placement keywords are: for vertical placement: {"upper", "center", "lower"}, for horizontal placement: {"left", "center", "right"}. The keyword "outside" can be added to put the legend outside of the axes. Defaults to "outside lower center".


Number of colums in which to arrange the legend items. Defaults to 1.

dpiint, optional

The resolution of the saved MultiFigure. Only used for raster formats (e.g. PNG, JPG, etc.). Default depends on the figure_style configuration.