
class graphinglib.Table(cell_text: list[str], cell_colors: ArrayLike | str = 'default', cell_align: str = 'default', col_labels: list[str] | None = None, col_widths: list[float] | None = None, col_align: str = 'default', col_colors: ArrayLike | str = 'default', row_labels: list[str] | None = None, row_align: str = 'default', row_colors: ArrayLike | str = 'default', edge_width: float | Literal['default'] = 'default', edge_color: str = 'default', text_color: str = 'default', scaling: tuple[float, float] = (1.0, 1.5), location: str = 'best')[source]#

This class allows to plot a table inside a Figure or MultiFigure.

The Table object can be used to add raw data to a figure or add supplementary information like output parameters for a fit or anyother operation.


Text or data to be displayed in the table. The shape of the provided data determines the number of columns and rows.

cell_colorsArrayLike or str, optional

Colors to apply to the cells’ background. Must be a list of colors the same shape as the cells. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.


Alignment of the cells’ text. Must be one of the following: {‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’}. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

col_labelslist[str], optional

List of labels for the rows of the table. If none are specified, no row labels are displayed.

col_widthslist[float], optional

Widths to apply to the columns. Must be a list the same length as the number of columns.


Alignment of the column labels’ text. Must be one of the following: {‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’}. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

col_colorsArrayLike or str, optional

Colors to apply to the column labels’ background. Must be a list of colors the same length as the number of columns. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

row_labelslist[str], optional

List of labels for the rows of the table. If none are specified, no row labels are displayed.


Alignment of the row labels’ text. Must be one of the following: {‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’}. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

row_colorsArrayLike or str, optional

Colors to apply to the row labels’ background. Must be a list of colors the same length as the number of rows. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

edge_widthfloat or str, optional

Width of the table’s edges. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

edge_colorstr, optional

Color of the table’s edges. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

text_colorstr, optional

Color of the text in the table. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

scalingtuple[float], optional

Horizontal and vertical scaling factors to apply to the table. Defaults to (1, 1.5).


Position of the table inside the axes. Must be one of the following: {‘best’, ‘bottom’, ‘bottom left’, ‘bottom right’, ‘center’, ‘center left’, ‘center right’, ‘left’, ‘lower center’, ‘lower left’, ‘lower right’, ‘right’, ‘top’, ‘top left’, ‘top right’, ‘upper center’, ‘upper left’, ‘upper right’} Defaults to "best".


__init__(cell_text[, cell_colors, ...])

This class allows to plot a table inside a Figure or MultiFigure.


Returns a deep copy of the Table object.