
class graphinglib.Rectangle(x_bottom_left: float, y_bottom_left: float, width: float, height: float, fill: bool = 'default', fill_color: str = 'default', edge_color: str = 'default', line_width: float | Literal['default'] = 'default', line_style: str = 'default', fill_alpha: float | Literal['default'] = 'default')[source]#

This class implements a Rectangle object with a given bottom left corner, width and height.


The x coordinate of the bottom left corner of the Rectangle.


The y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the Rectangle.


The width of the Rectangle.


The height of the Rectangle.

fillbool, optional

Whether the rectangle should be filled or not. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

fill_colorstr, optional

The color of the rectangle’s fill. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

edge_colorstr, optional

The color of the rectangle’s edge. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

line_widthfloat, optional

The width of the line. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

line_stylestr, optional

The style of the line. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.

fill_alphafloat, optional

The alpha value of the fill. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.


__init__(x_bottom_left, y_bottom_left, ...)


Returns a deep copy of the Polygon object.


Returns the center point of the polygon.

create_difference(other[, copy_style])

Returns the difference of the polygon with another polygon.

create_intersection(other[, copy_style])

Returns the intersection of the polygon with another polygon.


Returns the intersection points of the borders of the two polygons.

create_symmetric_difference(other[, copy_style])

Returns the symmetric difference of the polygon with another polygon.

create_union(other[, copy_style])

Returns the union of the polygon with another polygon.

from_center(x, y, width, height[, fill, ...])

Creates a Rectangle from its center point, width and height.


Returns the center coordinates of the polygon.


Returns the coordinates of the intersection points of the borders of the two polygons.


Applies a transformation matrix to the polygon.

rotate(angle[, center, use_rad])

Rotates the polygon by the specified angle.

scale(x_scale, y_scale[, center])

Scales the polygon by the specified factors.

skew(x_skew, y_skew[, center, use_rad])

Skews the polygon by the specified factors.

split(curve[, copy_style])

Splits the polygon by a curve.

translate(dx, dy)

Translates the polygon by the specified amount.