
classmethod Heatmap.from_points(points: ArrayLike, values: ArrayLike, x_axis_range: tuple[float, float], y_axis_range: tuple[float, float], grid_interpolation: str = 'nearest', fill_value: float = nan, color_map: str | Colormap = 'default', show_color_bar: bool = True, alpha_value: float = 1.0, aspect_ratio: str | float = 'default', origin_position: str = 'default', interpolation: str = 'none', number_of_points: tuple[int, int] = (50, 50))[source]#

Creates a heatmap by interpolating unevenly distributed data points on a grid.


The list or array of points at which values are known.


The list or array of values at given points.

x_axis_range, y_axis_rangetuple[float, float], optional

The range of x and y values used for the axes as tuples containing the start and end of the range.


Interpolation method to be used when interpolating the uneavenly distributed data on a grid. Must be one of {“nearest”, “linear”, “cubic”}.

color_mapstr, Colormap

The color map to use for the Heatmap. Can either be specified as a string (named colormap from Matplotlib) or a Colormap object. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.


Whether or not to display the color bar next to the plot. Defaults to True.


Opacity value of the Heatmap. Defaults to 1.0.

aspect_ratiostr or float

Aspect ratio of the axes. Default depends on the figure_style configuration.


Position of the origin of the axes (upper left or lower left corner). Default depends on the figure_style configuration.


Interpolation method to be applied to the image. Defaults to "none".

See also

For other interpolation methods, refer to Interpolations for imshow.

number_of_pointstuple[int, int]

Number of points in the x and y coordinates. Defaults to (50, 50).

A Heatmap object created from data points.