GraphingLib 1.2.0 Release Notes#

Figure style editor, stream plots, colour cycles and bug corrections#

New documentation available at

Whats changed#

  • New command-line interface to create and modify figure styles

  • Stream class allows the user to display stream plots

  • Table class allows the user to display data tables in Figures and SubFigures

  • Default colours for curves and scatters now using colour cycles

  • New option to remove axes in SubFigures

  • New option to add reference labels (“a)”, “b)”, “c)”, etc.) next to SubFigures

Corrected bugs#

  • Legends in MultiFigures are now separated in their respective SubFigures by default, and are outside all SubFigures if combined

  • Custom figure styles are automatically updated after a new GL version (to add info for new parameters or new classes)

  • Specifying only one of x_error or y_error is now possible in Curves and Scatters

  • Can now use the same object in two Figures/MultiFigures using different styles (only one style would show up previously)

Full Changelog:…v1.2.0