GraphingLib 1.5.0 Release Notes#


  • New Polygon object to create any given shapes from vertices and supporting set operation methods

  • New FitFromFOTF object to fit using a first order transfer function

  • You can now set a custom style as default to replace plain

  • Many new features for Curve, Scatter and Point objects

New Features#

New function get_styles#

The new function get_styles makes it possible to fetch all available styles.


Added possibility to plot the area between 2 curves#

The method get_area_between from the Curve class has a new parameter other_curve making it possible to get the area between two Curve objects.


Added add_error_curves method#

Added add_error_curves method to the Curve class to display error around a curve with curves instead of error bars.


New aspect_ratio parameter for Figure#

The parameter aspect_ratio is used to specify an aspect ratio for the axis scaling. Can take a float, “auto” or “equal”.


Added absolute value functionality to Curve and Scatter#

It is possible to get the absolute value of a Curve or Scatter by passing a Curve or Scatter object to abs().


Added object copying methods#

All Plottables now have a copy method to create a duplicate of the object.


Added in-place operators for Curve and Scatter#

Implemented in-place operators (+=, -=, *=, /= and **=) for Curve and Scatter objects.


Added FitFromFOTF (first order transfer function)#

New FitFromFOTF object to create fits using a first order transfer function.


New Curve and Scatter slicing methods#

Curve and Scatter now have create_slice_x and create_slice_y methods to create a new object from a slice of an existing object.


New Polygon object#

A new Polygon object to plot a general polygon from a list of vertices.


Added possibility to set different default style#

Added two new functions, set_default_style to set your default style and get_default_style to get the name of the current default style.


Getters and setters for every objects’ properties#

All properties can now be set and retrieved using notation.


Manual legend placement and columns#

Placement of the legend can now be controlled manually in Figures when using show and save. A number of columns can also be specified.


Added support for color maps with Scatter#

Scatter has new parameters color_map and show_color_bar to specify a color map and display the color bar. To be used in combination with face_color to provide intensity values.


Added support for color cycles and colormaps with Scatter edge_color#

The edge_color attribute of Scatter objects now accepts a list of colors or intensities. When set to “color cycle” or if this is what the style’s default is set to, the edge_color will cycle through the colors in the style’s color cycle.


DPI resolution now supported#

DPI resolution is now available as a style controlled parameter and can be overridden in the Figure and MultiFigure save methods.


More flexibility for Point colors#

Point face and edge colors can now be set to a color or None (transparent). Text color can also be set to a color or to “same as point” (the default) to match the point color, with the edge color being prioritized over the face color if both aren’t None.


Other Changes#

Use trapezoidal integration for create_integral_curve#

Changed the method used for numerical integration of curves to work with uneavenly spaced data and added a parameter initial_value.


Simplified VectorField options#

Options for VectorField arrows have been simplified and the arrows shape is now controlled only by arrow_width and arrow_head_size.



A total of 3 people contributed to this release.

Merged Pull Requests#

A total of 19 pull requests were merged for this release.

  • #420 : Added get_styles function

  • #422 : Added possiblity to plot area between 2 curves in get_area_between

  • #426 : Added add_error_curves method and default params

  • #428 : Added aspect_ratio to Figure init

  • #432 : Add absolute value functionality to Curve and Scatter classes

  • #433 : Add cumulative trapezoidal integration for creating integral curves

  • #441 : Added object copying methods

  • #442 : Added in place operators for Curves and Scatters

  • #443 : Added FitFrom FOTF (first order transfer function)

  • #448 : 406 feature request curve slicing new curve from part of existing curve

  • #450 : 437 feature request implement arbitrary polygons

  • #453 : 452 feature request possibility to set different default style

  • #464 : 462 feature request use properties with getters and setters

  • #476 : 468 feature request reduce vector field options to be more similar to arrow

  • #481 : Added option for manual legend placement and columns

  • #503 : Added support for colour maps with Scatters

  • #537 : Curve fix fill between color cycle, Scatter flexibility

  • #559 : 558 feature request set dpi when saving

  • #561 : Added flexibility to Point class text color