Scatter plots and fitting experimental data#
The Scatter
In GraphingLib, there are two ways to create a Scatter
object. If you want to plot existing data, you can use the standard constructor by passing in the x and y data as lists or numpy arrays. If you want to plot a function, you can use the from_function()
method. This method takes in a function and a range of x values to evaluate the function at. In the latter case, you can also specify the number of points to evaluate the function at. Both of these alternatives are shown below.
# Create data
x_data = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y_data = 3 * x_data**2 - 2 * x_data + np.random.normal(0, 10, 100)
# Create scatter plot from data
scatter_1 = gl.Scatter(x_data, y_data, label="Data")
# Create scatter plot from function
scatter_2 = gl.Scatter.from_function(
lambda x: -3 * x**2 - 2 * x + 350,
# Create figure and display
fig = gl.Figure()
fig.add_elements(scatter_1, scatter_2)

You can also add error bars for x and/or y by calling the add_errorbars()
method like so:
# Create data
x_data = np.linspace(0, 10, 10)
y_data = 3 * x_data**2 - 2 * x_data
# Add errorbars with float or array/list of floats
scatter = gl.Scatter(x_data, y_data)
scatter.add_errorbars(x_error=0.3, y_error=0.1 * y_data)
fig = gl.Figure()

Just like with the Curve
object, you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide two Scatter
objects. You can also add, subtract, multiply, and divide a Scatter
object by a float or int.
If you add, subtract, multiply, or divide two Scatter
objects, the two objects must have the same x values. If they do not, an exception will be raised.
scatter_sine = gl.Scatter.from_function(
lambda x: np.sin(x), x_min=0, x_max=2 * np.pi, label="Sine"
scatter_line = gl.Scatter.from_function(
lambda x: x, x_min=0, x_max=2 * np.pi, label="Line"
scatter_addition = scatter_sine + scatter_line
scatter_addition.label = "Sine + Line"
scatter_plus_constant = scatter_sine + 3
scatter_plus_constant.label = "Sine + 3"
fig = gl.Figure()
fig.add_elements(scatter_sine, scatter_line, scatter_addition, scatter_plus_constant)

Interpolation between data points is possible by calling the get_coordinates_at_x()
and get_coordinates_at_y()
methods. The first returns a tuple of coordinates that represent the point on the curve at the specified x value. The second works the same way, but returns a list of tuples, one for each point on the curve that has the specified y value. The create_point_at_x()
and create_points_at_y()
methods work the same way, but return Point
objects instead of tuples.
scatter = gl.Scatter.from_function(
lambda x: np.sin(3 * x) * np.cos(x) ** 2,
x_max=2 * np.pi,
point_at_4 = scatter.create_point_at_x(4, color="red")
points_at_y_one_half = scatter.create_points_at_y(0.5, color="orange")
fig = gl.Figure()
# Use the * operator to unpack the list of points
fig.add_elements(scatter, point_at_4, *points_at_y_one_half)

You can also add a third dimension to your scatter plot by specifying the color of each point. This can be done by passing in a list of colors to the face_color or edge_color arguments. If you want to use a colormap, you can pass in a list of intensity values to the face_color or edge_color arguments and specify the colormap with the color_map argument. If you want to see the colorbar, you can set the show_colorbar argument to True.
# Generate random x and y data
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = np.random.rand(100) * 10
# Generate a list of intensity values which will be mapped to colors
z = np.sin(x) + np.cos(y)
# Create scatter plot with color
scatter = gl.Scatter(x, y, face_color=z, color_map="Reds", show_color_bar=True)
fig = gl.Figure()

Curve fitting#
There are a number of curve fit objects that can be used to fit data. The most versatile is the FitFromFunction
object. This object takes in a function and a Scatter
or Curve
object and fits the data to the function. However, the most common functions have their own dedicated fit objects to accelerate the fitting process. The most powerful of these is the FitFromPolynomial
object. All you need to do is pass in a Scatter
object and the degree of the polynomial you want to fit to the data:
# Create noisy data
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = x**2 - 3 * x + 3 + np.random.normal(0, 7, 100)
scatter = gl.Scatter(x, y, "Data")
fit = gl.FitFromPolynomial(scatter, 2, "Fit")
# Print the coefficients of the fit
coefficients = fit.coeffs
for i, c in enumerate(coefficients):
print(f"Coefficient of x^{i}: {c}")
# Use the fit to predict value of y at x = 5
print(f"Value of fit at x = 5 is y = {fit.function(5)}")
predicted_point = fit.create_point_at_x(5, color="red")
fig = gl.Figure()
fig.add_elements(scatter, fit, predicted_point)

Coefficient of x^0: 4.9668661552059294
Coefficient of x^1: -4.099977593163963
Coefficient of x^2: 1.0770659002222067
Value of fit at x = 5 is y = 11.39362569494128
Currently, the following fit objects are available:
- FitFromPolynomial
- FitFromExponential
- FitFromLog
- FitFromSquareRoot
- FitFromSine
- FitFromGaussian
The details of how to use each of these fit objects, as well as the specific variables that are fitted (and how to access them), are described in the API Reference. For some of these, it can be useful to specify initial guesses for the fitted variables with the guesses argument.
Here is an example of fitting a sine function to some data:
# Create noisy sine wave data
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = 3 * np.sin(2 * x + 3) + 5 + np.random.normal(0, 0.5, 100)
# Create scatter plot and fit with guesses (amplitude, frequency, phase, offset)
# Frequency is the most important parameter to get close to the actual value
scatter = gl.Scatter(x, y, label="Noisy sine")
fit = gl.FitFromSine(scatter, label="Fit", guesses=(1, 2.2, 1, 1))
all_params = fit.parameters
print(f"Amplitude: {fit.amplitude:.3f}")
print(f"Frequency: {fit.frequency_rad:.3f}")
print(f"Phase: {fit.phase_rad:.3f}")
print(f"Vertical shift: {fit.vertical_shift:.3f}")
fig = gl.Figure(y_lim=(0.5, 10.7))
fig.add_elements(scatter, fit)

Amplitude: 2.943
Frequency: 2.004
Phase: 2.943
Vertical shift: 5.102
And here is an example of fitting a specific, user-defined function to some data. In this example, a laser of wavelength 532 nm is shone though a single slit of unknown width. The resulting diffraction pattern is recorded on a screen. You can use the Fraunhofer single-slit diffraction equation to fit the data and determine the width of the slit:
def single_slit(theta, a):
wavelength = 500e-9
beta = np.pi * a * np.sin(theta) / wavelength
return (np.sinc(beta / np.pi)) ** 2
# Our fictional experimental data (with noise and slit width of 3.75 microns)
theta = np.linspace(-0.3, 0.3, 500)
a = 3.75e-6
I_exp = single_slit(theta, a) + np.random.normal(0, 0.02, 500)
# Create scatter and fit from single_slit function
scatter = gl.Curve(theta, I_exp, label="Experimental Data")
fit = gl.FitFromFunction(single_slit, scatter, label="Fit", guesses=(1e-6))
# Fitted parameters are stored in the Fit object
print(f"Slit width: {fit.parameters[0] * 1e6:.3f} microns")
fig = gl.Figure(x_label="Angle (rad)", y_label="Intensity (a.u.)")
fig.add_elements(scatter, fit)

Slit width: 3.763 microns
As a bonus tip, you can use the create_slice_x()
and create_slice_y()
methods to create a Scatter
object that represents a slice of the original data. This can be useful for fitting a function to just part of your data if you measurements are not reliable at all x values.